Elemental Water Foundation

Donate water together

Feedback Company donates more than 165,000 liters of drinking water each month to the Elemental Water Foundation by collecting reviews. Every review counts towards this milestone. Together we help countries like Madagascar to get clean, fresh and safe drinking water.

Customers participate automatically, we donate drinking water through the reviews you collect. Have you reached a personal new milestone? That’s perfect! We will help you by giving you your own socialpost.

liters of drinking water

Elemental Water Foundation

The Elemental Water Foundation makes safe and affordable fresh water possible on a global scale. It does so by realizing projects that deliver water, which is produced by desalination, and powered by renewable energy, to people facing water scarcity in developing countries.

Unlike the 3000 people living in Efoetsy who now, with our help, can count on a steady supply of fresh drinking water. There are still other people in Madagascar who continue to struggle to access clean drinking water.


liters per day

liters per week

liters per month