3688 Reviews
Good with the steady shakes! But I don’t like the taste of the tropical ready oats
Warum bitte verwendet ihr den zweifelhaften Süßstoff Sucralose? Eine Angabe der Menge im Produkt wäre gut!
Um euer Produkt zu verbessern verwendet doch bitte unbedenkliche Zuckerersatzstoffe,...
Very good, easy shopping, fast delivery. Tasted so far: Vanilla, good, Chocolate, very good! Good price per meal (I use 5 meals per bag, 400kcal)
Overall good. A surprising amount of the taste testers were usable. The oats lack the amount of texture I'd like but were also surprisingly useful. Not sure if the flow stuff works, but it adds a...
Really nice, i am very happy with the flavour!
This is exactly what I was looking for.
A balanced and varied meal prepared in a few seconds.
No feeling of hunger.
Reply Queal:
Thank you so much for the kind review Laurent!