Feedback Company


8.6 /10

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442 reviewsSchrijf review

checkbox95% beveelt Gildeprint aan!

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442 reviews

Mick Carrozza

SterSterSterSterLege ster

Very clear and friendly communication. Good printing quality as expected. Fast delivery.

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SterLege sterLege sterLege sterLege ster

I had a bad experience with Gildeprint. Summary: They made many mistakes, didn't acknowledge their mistakes, and did not respond to many emails. - The colours in the final delivery's cover differed from the test order. The colours of the test print were the correct colours, so this is very unfortunate. - I had given careful instructions about the crop locations of the cover and the crop locations were marked on the pdf file as requested. However, they edited the file and chose different crop locations without telling me. This caused the text on the spine to be off-centre. My emails asking why they had changed this were left unanswered. I had to correct this the old-fashioned way with a test print and ruler. - Gildeprint has a booklet with information about printing theses which is very outdated. The options I chose were not available anymore. So I just had to go with their choices instead of making informed choices myself. - Gildeprint caused several delays. Because of a deadline, this made it impossible for me to switch to another printer, which I would have certainly done otherwise.

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M Goudsmit


Prachtig eindresultaat en vriendelijke en snelle service

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Halve sterLege sterLege sterLege sterLege ster

A horrible nightmare!

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TU Delft

Halve sterLege sterLege sterLege sterLege ster

They made terrible color mistake in printing, but do not take any responsibility. I couldn't receive sample although they insisted it should be sent. I couldn't help going ahead due to the time restriction for my defense. When I received copies, I found that some color graphs were messed up. Red lines become blue and vice versa. They attributed it to my fault that I didn't carefully check when they send me a digital proof. However, it shouldn't make sense I check every pages. For this color error, how can I image they would make such a stupid and rudimentary mistake? This is an extremely sneak and creepy strategy to put all the responsibility to the customers and to hide their mistakes.

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TU Delft

Halve sterLege sterLege sterLege sterLege ster

Extremely bad

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Ines Rodrigues


I had a great experience with Gildeprint. They provided an extremely effective service and always answered all my questions in a short time. The quality of the thesis was great and delivered right on time! The final price was adequate. I advise this service to anyone who needs to print their thesis

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Maastricht University

SterLege sterLege sterLege sterLege ster

Overall my experience with Gildeprint was TERRIBLE. I do not recommend the extra stress during an already time-sentive and demanding time like your PhD defence. Gildeprint never kept their time promises, they weren't responsive to emails, they printed the bookmark with the WRONG date despite several emails highlighting the error, they printed my books in such LOW QUALITY you could not read my institutional logo, and they delivered the new books LATE.

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Niels Reinders

SterSterSterSterHalve ster

Very good results, that is what counts. Fair price also. Sometimes communication was slightly meagre, but adequate.

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SterSterSterSterHalve ster

Responsive and on time. They made a really nice print of my booklet. And it arrived as agreed. Booklet design is not their strong side, so that part is better to do yourself.

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Halve sterLege sterLege sterLege sterLege ster

Hele slechte ervaring met Gildeprint, ik ben vanaf het begin af aan slecht geholpen: geen reactie op mail, geleverde boeken waarvan de gekleurde pagina's loszitten, blauwe streep op de omslag die daar niet thuis hoort!! Er werden nieuwe boeken geleverd en wat blijkt dat de gekleurde pagina's in mn boekje nog steeds loszitten! Controleer het even voordat je het opstuurt. Hier wil je toch niet tegenaan lopen tijdens de meest spannende fase van je PhD, dit zorgt alleen maar voor extra stress. Ps. die mooie lijst met de omslag van het proefschift die mijn gepromoveerde collega's hebben ontvangen, heb ik niet gekregen... I

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Heel goed, heel flexibel, snelle reactie. Heel tevreden over de lay-out en kwaliteit.

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Florian Barré

Halve sterLege sterLege sterLege sterLege ster

Avoid at any cost ! The first invoice was really expensive compared to other printers but then when I mentionned to them they aligned their price to others and told me that Gildeprint had a higher quality so I went for them. Then, they lost the first printproof and we still do not know where it is (hopefully, I had no confidential data). The time to figure it out, I received the second printproof 10 days after I submitted my files. The printproof was fine. Then, 5 working days later, I receive my 160 books and the printing was really bad, the words were distorded (I do not even know how it is possible since I sent a PDF). When I mail them to report this problem, they promise to call me back to fix the issue but instead I got a package including a postcard "You Rock" with some apologizes (with spelling mistakes) and a pair of happy socks to "make me happier". This is just ridiculous.

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SterSterSterSterLege ster

Druk van 200 proefschriften, als pdf aangeleverd. Tevens afstemming van omslag obv aangeleverde afbeelding en duidelijke wensen.

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SterSterSterSterHalve ster

Quick response, professional, however the price quotation is done randomly, so it seems. There is not a clear pattern how this is done, and between two colleagues we have totally different prices, which is not normal for the same order!

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Gildeprint verzamelt bedrijfsreviews bij Feedback Company. Het bedrijf verzamelt onafhankelijk reviews.

Gildeprint heeft de volgende resultaten bereikt:

  • checkGemiddelde score: 8.6/10
  • check442 verzamelde reviews
  • checkEerste review geschreven op 23 oktober 2015


Gildeprint is een zelfstandige fullservice drukkerij. Wij hebben jarenlange ervaring met het produceren van boeken, magazines, proefschriften en huisstijlen. Wij denken en handelen in communicatieoplossingen en die beginnen bij uw uitdaging(en). Steeds met het uitgangspunt: wat is het doel van deze middelen en wat wilt u hiermee bereiken? Deze aanpak leidt niet alleen tot verdere efficiency, maar doorgaans ook tot kostenbesparingen. Door ons vakmanschap en onze aanpak groeit Gildeprint in een ui



Javastraat 123

7512 ZE Enschede

Betrouwbaar en transparant

Om een optimale klantervaring te bieden, is het luisteren naar je klanten essentieel. Daarom meten we bij Feedback Company continue experiences. We stellen de juiste vraag, aan de juiste persoon, op het juiste moment. Ervaringen meten is key. Onze onderzoeken richten zich op Customer Experience (CX), Product Experience (PX) en Employee Experience (EX).

Feedback Company verzamelt feedback met geverifieerde gegevens van haar klanten. Het bedrijf zet zich in tegen nepreviews en verifieert de herkomst van de reviews.Klik hier voor meer informatie over Feedback Company’s reviewbeleid en hoe de reviewpagina tot stand komt.

Data Pro Code
MOA Fair Data keurmerk
Feedback Company
Google Review Partner
Elemental Water Foundation

Net Promoter Score (NPS)=% Promoters - % Detractors

SterSterSterSterLege ster
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SterSterSterSterHalve ster
442 reviews

Mick Carrozza

SterSterSterSterLege ster

Very clear and friendly communication. Good printing quality as expected. Fast delivery.

Gepubliceerd op


SterLege sterLege sterLege sterLege ster

I had a bad experience with Gildeprint. Summary: They made many mistakes, didn't acknowledge their mistakes, and did not respond to many emails. - The colours in the final delivery's cover differed from the test order. The colours of the test print were the correct colours, so this is very unfortunate. - I had given careful instructions about the crop locations of the cover and the crop locations were marked on the pdf file as requested. However, they edited the file and chose different crop locations without telling me. This caused the text on the spine to be off-centre. My emails asking why they had changed this were left unanswered. I had to correct this the old-fashioned way with a test print and ruler. - Gildeprint has a booklet with information about printing theses which is very outdated. The options I chose were not available anymore. So I just had to go with their choices instead of making informed choices myself. - Gildeprint caused several delays. Because of a deadline, this made it impossible for me to switch to another printer, which I would have certainly done otherwise.

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M Goudsmit


Prachtig eindresultaat en vriendelijke en snelle service

Gepubliceerd op


Halve sterLege sterLege sterLege sterLege ster

A horrible nightmare!

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TU Delft

Halve sterLege sterLege sterLege sterLege ster

They made terrible color mistake in printing, but do not take any responsibility. I couldn't receive sample although they insisted it should be sent. I couldn't help going ahead due to the time restriction for my defense. When I received copies, I found that some color graphs were messed up. Red lines become blue and vice versa. They attributed it to my fault that I didn't carefully check when they send me a digital proof. However, it shouldn't make sense I check every pages. For this color error, how can I image they would make such a stupid and rudimentary mistake? This is an extremely sneak and creepy strategy to put all the responsibility to the customers and to hide their mistakes.

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TU Delft

Halve sterLege sterLege sterLege sterLege ster

Extremely bad

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Ines Rodrigues


I had a great experience with Gildeprint. They provided an extremely effective service and always answered all my questions in a short time. The quality of the thesis was great and delivered right on time! The final price was adequate. I advise this service to anyone who needs to print their thesis

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Maastricht University

SterLege sterLege sterLege sterLege ster

Overall my experience with Gildeprint was TERRIBLE. I do not recommend the extra stress during an already time-sentive and demanding time like your PhD defence. Gildeprint never kept their time promises, they weren't responsive to emails, they printed the bookmark with the WRONG date despite several emails highlighting the error, they printed my books in such LOW QUALITY you could not read my institutional logo, and they delivered the new books LATE.

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Niels Reinders

SterSterSterSterHalve ster

Very good results, that is what counts. Fair price also. Sometimes communication was slightly meagre, but adequate.

Gepubliceerd op


SterSterSterSterHalve ster

Responsive and on time. They made a really nice print of my booklet. And it arrived as agreed. Booklet design is not their strong side, so that part is better to do yourself.

Gepubliceerd op


Halve sterLege sterLege sterLege sterLege ster

Hele slechte ervaring met Gildeprint, ik ben vanaf het begin af aan slecht geholpen: geen reactie op mail, geleverde boeken waarvan de gekleurde pagina's loszitten, blauwe streep op de omslag die daar niet thuis hoort!! Er werden nieuwe boeken geleverd en wat blijkt dat de gekleurde pagina's in mn boekje nog steeds loszitten! Controleer het even voordat je het opstuurt. Hier wil je toch niet tegenaan lopen tijdens de meest spannende fase van je PhD, dit zorgt alleen maar voor extra stress. Ps. die mooie lijst met de omslag van het proefschift die mijn gepromoveerde collega's hebben ontvangen, heb ik niet gekregen... I

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Heel goed, heel flexibel, snelle reactie. Heel tevreden over de lay-out en kwaliteit.

Gepubliceerd op

Florian Barré

Halve sterLege sterLege sterLege sterLege ster

Avoid at any cost ! The first invoice was really expensive compared to other printers but then when I mentionned to them they aligned their price to others and told me that Gildeprint had a higher quality so I went for them. Then, they lost the first printproof and we still do not know where it is (hopefully, I had no confidential data). The time to figure it out, I received the second printproof 10 days after I submitted my files. The printproof was fine. Then, 5 working days later, I receive my 160 books and the printing was really bad, the words were distorded (I do not even know how it is possible since I sent a PDF). When I mail them to report this problem, they promise to call me back to fix the issue but instead I got a package including a postcard "You Rock" with some apologizes (with spelling mistakes) and a pair of happy socks to "make me happier". This is just ridiculous.

Gepubliceerd op


SterSterSterSterLege ster

Druk van 200 proefschriften, als pdf aangeleverd. Tevens afstemming van omslag obv aangeleverde afbeelding en duidelijke wensen.

Gepubliceerd op


SterSterSterSterHalve ster

Quick response, professional, however the price quotation is done randomly, so it seems. There is not a clear pattern how this is done, and between two colleagues we have totally different prices, which is not normal for the same order!

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Gildeprint verzamelt bedrijfsreviews bij Feedback Company. Het bedrijf verzamelt onafhankelijk reviews.

Gildeprint heeft de volgende resultaten bereikt:

  • checkGemiddelde score: 8.6/10
  • check442 verzamelde reviews
  • checkEerste review geschreven op 23 oktober 2015


Gildeprint is een zelfstandige fullservice drukkerij. Wij hebben jarenlange ervaring met het produceren van boeken, magazines, proefschriften en huisstijlen. Wij denken en handelen in communicatieoplossingen en die beginnen bij uw uitdaging(en). Steeds met het uitgangspunt: wat is het doel van deze middelen en wat wilt u hiermee bereiken? Deze aanpak leidt niet alleen tot verdere efficiency, maar doorgaans ook tot kostenbesparingen. Door ons vakmanschap en onze aanpak groeit Gildeprint in een ui



Javastraat 123

7512 ZE Enschede

Betrouwbaar en transparant

Om een optimale klantervaring te bieden, is het luisteren naar je klanten essentieel. Daarom meten we bij Feedback Company continue experiences. We stellen de juiste vraag, aan de juiste persoon, op het juiste moment. Ervaringen meten is key. Onze onderzoeken richten zich op Customer Experience (CX), Product Experience (PX) en Employee Experience (EX).

Feedback Company verzamelt feedback met geverifieerde gegevens van haar klanten. Het bedrijf zet zich in tegen nepreviews en verifieert de herkomst van de reviews.Klik hier voor meer informatie over Feedback Company’s reviewbeleid en hoe de reviewpagina tot stand komt.

Data Pro Code
MOA Fair Data keurmerk
Feedback Company
Google Review Partner
Elemental Water Foundation