Ledpanelwholesale collects company reviews at Feedback Company. The company collects reviews independently.
Ledpanelwholesale has achieved the following results:
Average score: 0/10
0 collected reviews
First review written on 13 February 2025
Suikersilo-West 35
1165 MP Amsterdam-Halfweg
Reliable and transparent
To provide an optimal customer experience, listening to your customers is essential. That is why we continuously measure experiences at Feedback Company. We ask the right question, to the right person, at the right time. Measuring experiences is key. Our research focuses on Customer Experience (CX), Product Experience (PX) en Employee Experience (EX).
Feedback Company collects feedback with verified data from its customers. The company is committed to fighting fake reviews and verifies the origin of the reviews.Click here for more information about Feedback Company’s review policy and how the review page is created.