
8.9 / 10
767 beoordelingen
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Luke McDonic


I think that the weekly deadlines to submit written sections of our article were highly useful. They provided a clear goal and enabled me to apply the principles taught during the course. The peer feedback from participants outside of my field also offered a novel perspective on my work, pushing me to explicitly clarify many aspects previously left implicit.
I feel that the course could be improved by tailoring the assignments to the needs of the participants. We were each required to write all the sections of a scientific article, even though we were at different stages of our research. I had not even begun data collection but was asked to write a hypothetical discussion and abstract. This time probably could have been better spent redrafting my introduction and methods sections. If participants are required to write each section, this should be stated clearly in the course description prior to enrollment.

Score voor Taalcentrum-VU trainingen: 4/5
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Welke training heb je gevolgd?: Wetenschappelijke artikelen schrijven in het Engel...