
9.5 / 10
378 beoordelingen
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99% van de klanten beveelt dit bedrijf aan.

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In all honesty, I will advice you not to waste your time with Perfectrent. I am of the opinion that there are unspoken/unwritten criteria for deciding who gets an apartment beyond the criteria indicated on the form. After viewing 12 different apartments unsuccessfully (considering I don't live in Rotterdam and have to leave work, jump on the train to join these viewings sometimes on short notice), I think (compared to the "lucky reviewers" on this site) I have earned the right for a factual review. Of course Perfectrent tells you that the landlord decides which candidates gets the place but what is the guarantee that your form makes the shortlist to the Landlord? Anyway, heaven knows I tried. The least Perfectrent can do would be not to delete my review. No doubt, the apartments on offer are nice; either new or newly refurbished. Lisa and Mieke are very friendly and professional.

Bent u huurder of verhuurder? / Are you a tenant or landlord?

Huurder / Tenant

Welke medewerker heeft u begeleid? / Which agent served you?


Welke punten heeft u als bijzonder positief ervaren bij Perfectrent? / What aspects of Perfectrent have you experiences as particularly positive?

Like i said in my review, Lisa and Mieke are professional. The houses are very modern and price range is perfect

Welke verbeterpunten raad u Perfectrent aan? / Which points of improvement do you recommend Perfectrent?

I still don't understand why prospective tenants have to include their passport photograph. What does that help to achieve and why is it a requirement? If requirement like proof of salary, place of work, etc is not enough to provide credibility then a picture can never provide that!

Score voor Perfect Rent: 1.5/5
Zou u Perfectrent aanbevelen bij familie en vrienden? / Would you recommend Perfectrent to family and friends ? Nee