
9.4 / 10
790 beoordelingen
Schrijf beoordeling

98% van de klanten beveelt dit bedrijf aan.

Had je voldoende aan de informatie op de website?
Wat vond je van de snelheid van levering?
Werd je voldoende geinformeerd over het verloop van je bestelling?
Hoe heb je onze service ervaren bij het leveren?
Heb je Tom & Lilly als een klantvriendelijk bedrijf ervaren?

Aron Ruszin



Verbeterpunten of tips

It is confusing what you actually order

Reactie Tom & Lilly:

Dear Customer,
We are based in the Netherlands and our website is built in Dutch. We realise this clould be difficult for non Dutch speaking residents. Although we try to provide acccurate information on our websites we can imagine that not always everything is cristal clear. For that reason you can always call us or send us an e-mail which will be answered shortly.
You are also not happy with the processing speed of your order. We have to admit we do not ship during the weekends. You placed one order Friday night which was processed the next Monday and delivered to you on Tuesday. Your next other order took one day extra which is not always avoidable. Our apologies for this delay.

Score voor Tom & Lilly: 1/5
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