
9.1 / 10
1672 beoordelingen
Schrijf beoordeling

98% van de klanten beveelt dit bedrijf aan.

Thu Hang Dang


The best and quickest service ever!

Uw ervaring

I chose the Pluspakket on 7 Dec 2022 and by 31 Jan 2023 everything was completely done (including court decision and registration at city hall of Amsterdam). It certainly help to fasten the process if you have already made a fair agreement with each other prior to the meetings. We had 3 or 4 meetings with Mr.
Chiel van Praag. He was the best mediator who is very good at explaining clearly the process and facilitating conversation. He made sure everything discussed are well inline with the law and fair. Mr Auke Bakker was the best loyal who manage expectations at best. Their professionalism and timely manner exceeded my expectations.

Score voor Scheiden-online: 5/5
Beveelt u dit bedrijf aan Ja
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