
8.9 / 10
203 beoordelingen
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89% van de klanten beveelt dit bedrijf aan.



I've been using Oranje Taxi for over 10 years and have never had any problems except for this time! I tried to make an online reservation but it did not recognize my address (It recognized the same address last time I made the reservation). I resulted to call them to make a reservation to the Amsterdam Airport "round trip". I gave them all the information necessary. Going to the airport, I had no problem. While at the destination, a day before my return, I called to double-check my reservation and to tell them that my mobile had just broken down and I have no time to fix it before leaving. So, I will call them when I arrive schippal. The man who answered asked for all my information again. I said that you must already have it in your computer, nevertheless, he went through the whole routine again! He insisted asking for my mobile number despite that I've already given him 3 times and told him 3 times that my mobile is broken and that I will find a phone and call when I arrive! I also told him that I've been their customer for more than 10 years. Finally, he told me when I arrive, go to Departure 2 to meet the driver, which was a routine I was familiar with. The flight arrived on time late at night, I promptly picked up my luggage and went to Departure 2 but THERE WAS NO TAXI!!! I had to use a pay phone to call him!!! Instead of telling me where the drive is, he started to ask me about my mobile number! After repeated hassles, and I haven't slept for 26 hours and had no more energy to struggle with him, I called a regular taxi, which cost me Euro 115 --- but at least I got home safe! I will never use their taxi again!

Sterke punten

I am not sure the confusion was due to his poor understanding of English or something else. But when you are on a journey, getting a taxi should not have been such a difficult task!

Score voor Oranje Taxi Service: 0.5/5
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