
9.2 / 10
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+: Looks really good! Quick answers in the Chat! I am thinking about also getting a small flextrash with seatclips ...

-:Vacuclip just sticks on glass- not on many more stuff inside a campervan.
Not all of the colours go with every size.

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Reply Flextrash ENG:

We are very pleased to read your extensive review, thank you! It helps us a lot when we receive such detailed feedback.
As for the vacuclip, I don't know if it could help but we have some instructions on Youtube that you could watch: It helps to wet the clip beforehand. Furthermore, it is true that the Vacuclip only works on totally smooth surfaces. For example glass like you mentioned but also a refrigerator door, tiles (smooth ones) or the exterior paint of your van/car (some vans also have this material inside). In some cases a laminated cabinet also works but again it has to be really, really smooth, otherwise the air vacuum will be broken. For other surfaces we would recommend the Wallclip that you can tape or screw.
I hope to have helped and if there's anything else you know where to find us :).
Happy camping!
Warm regards,
Yvette of Flextrash

Score on Flextrash ENG: 5/5
Would you recommend Flextrash? Yes
Flextrash medium, Campstick, Vacuclip, Teslaclip