
9 / 10
2 reviews
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100% of the customers recommend this company.

Gregor Lange, DOK Leipzig


Since we started using FIONA, we have a lot more freedom in generating tools like reports and overviews that make our colleagues work easier. After a short period of getting used to the new environment, it is easy to use and very reliable. The constant updates including new functions show, that you listen closely to your customers.

What did you think of our work method, support and communication?

Communication and support, either via email or Zendesk, is overall great. In most cases we get a quick reply and constantly have the feeling, that someone is working on our problems.

Do you have any points of improvement or suggestions?

We would like to have a FIONA network that includes other FIONA-users from other festivals. Also, it would be great to have a tracker that shows, how far you are in development of features that were announced for later updates.

Score on Fiona-festival: 5/5
Would you recommend us? Yes