
9.8 / 10
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Really nice course. Complete and also fun.


Knowledge and experience of Katinka (also of expedition vessels and work as a guide) + that we learned to drive both RIB and zodiac.

Advice for improvement

The beach landings are now in the zodiac plus course, maybe I miss that in het normal course.

Reply Rib School Scheveningen:

Thank you Anne Wil for your review. The RYA Level 2 course is not only about Zodiac driving. It is a complete course where you also learn about chart reading, calculating tides, bearing a course, buoyage, safety, use of kill cord, etc. That you drive a rib and a zodiac is a bonus, but for the course we need to follow the RYA guidelines. To further improve your zodiac skills we have added the Zodiac Plus course. This is a full day course based on the zodiac driving only. We do a real life MOB and we practise beach landings.
Thanks for joining our school. You are a very good driver. Keep the good work up!

Score on Rib School Scheveningen: 4.5/5
Would you recommend this company? Yes
Which course did you book?: RYA powerboat level 2