
9.8 / 10
366 reviews
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Lincoln Kay


Overall experience was great, the course was well organized and had a good structure and flow. The training by the overall team and specifically Katinka was very strong. The equipment used in the course was of a high level as well.
Lastly the people brought together to be trained had a great balance and this made the course relaxed and fun.


Experience and knowledge of team.
Equipment in terms of clothing and boat itself were excellent
Strong organization throughout the course, and adaption to conditions
Great location for course and facillities with cafe.

Advice for improvement

From my side I would have preferred to have RYA documentation before course, as I like to be prepared.
Advice on what to learn for Cevni was great, though maybe instead of references, this could be put into a document

Score on Rib School Scheveningen: 4.5/5
Would you recommend this company? Yes
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