Luuk Vreeburg
December 16th 2018
Google announced it will change its Google Seller Ratings. Seller Ratings are an extension Google uses to show ratings in Ads and Shopping. In this blog we will explain how Google Seller Ratings exactly work and what the changes will be.
How do Google Seller Ratings work?
The Google Seller Ratings are an automatically activated extension that allow you to show yellow review stars in your paid (SEA) search results. Feedback Company is one of the 32 official Google Review Partners that are chosen by Google to offer a transparent and reliable review service and therefore the Seller Ratings appear.
What are the rules?
To show Google Seller Ratings you will have to collect at least 150 reviews in 12 months with an average score of 3.5. Using this link, (https://www.google.com/shopping/ratings/account/metrics?q=***.nl&c=GLOBAL&v=1), you can see how many of your reviews are currently indexed by Google. Replace the *** for your website URL and it does the math for you.
What changes?
Starting from the 1st October reviews will be counted and shown per country. This is done to make the rating more relevant for local consumers, as for them it is more important to know what service a company offers their own country, not anywhere else. The amount of reviews that need to be collected changes from 150 reviews worldwide to 100 reviews per country. Your reviews are indicated per country, so it will be harder to get the score in each country, but it will be easier for smaller businesses to get the rating and stars in their own country. For large businesses it will become more difficult to compete in countries where they do not sell many products.
What you can do
To reach enough reviews in each country and collect Google Seller Ratings, the best thing you can do is to actively invite your customers to leave a review. This is the fastest way to reach the 100 reviews in the country where you are active. Do you need help doing that? Feel free to contact us.